“ ” is an installation that focuses on the characteristics of black and white, what they mean to me on a personal level, and how that is conveyed. Taking reference from Louise Nevelson’s captivating transcriptions about the colour black, as well as Micah Lexier’s text-based work, in which the text itself is describing what the artwork is doing, “ “ is not only about black and white, but also about the viewer’s experience in gathering this information, and piecing it together.
With each piece on two opposing walls, the work already sets itself up to discuss opposing sides. The texts themselves oppose each other, much as black and white do. The sentence structure is mirrored, but the statements are inverted. This inversion is reflected by the placement and orientation of the text itself. The black text is within the square, and the texture of the text itself is very unsteady and chaotic, while the panel as a whole remains quite serene. The white text exists outside of the square. Pure white vinyl on an unclean white wall, the text only becomes readable because of the markings and texture that exists on the wall.
Black is the inner. Black is everything pushed inside. Chaos to such a degree that it becomes harmony. Black is infinity, stated in it’s most simple form. / White is the outer. White is what exists outside of white; on the edges of white. White is defined by what it is not. White is emptiness in absolute.